Territorial Positional Statement

Drug Use and Dependency

This Territorial Positional Statement is intended to provide information and guidance to members of The Salvation Army within the UK and Ireland Territory.

As the official position of The Salvation Army in the UK and Ireland Territory, officers and others representing The Salvation Army must speak consistent with the position.

It is understood, however, that individual Salvationists may hold different views on some subjects and acceptance of position is not essential to membership.

The Salvation Army also recognises that non-members may not share the same perspective and does not discriminate or condemn those who do not hold the same beliefs or exclude them from attending our church services, working for us or receiving our support.

Drug Use and Dependency: Statement of position

The Salvation Army advocates a drug-free lifestyle [1] at the core of the wellbeing and health of all people. The Salvation Army recognises the damage caused by drug use, to individuals, families and communities. In recognition of these risks, Salvation Army soldiers commit to a life free from harmful and mind-altering drugs, whilst refusing to judge or condemn those who use drugs or struggle with dependence.

Some people stigmatise drug use, treating the issue as one of reckless decision-making and self-destructive behaviour. However, The Salvation Army recognises that personal circumstances and background influence drug-using behaviour and the likelihood of dependency. Consequently, The Salvation Army offers compassion rather than condemnation to those affected by drug use. It offers emotional, therapeutic and practical interventions to people negatively impacted by the use of drugs.

This positional statement was approved in January 2024.

[1] In this statement we will use the term ‘drugs’ to refer to harmful substances that have a mind-altering affect. This includes both illegal drugs and legal medication that has a harmful effect when misused. We affirm the use of prescribed drugs to treat medical problems, such as pain or mental illness.

Download the positional statement


About Territorial Positional Statements

The Territorial Moral and Social Issues Council provides an ethical perspective and advice to territorial leadership, and seeks to help Salvationists engage in moral and social issues in their communities across the UK and Ireland Territory.

Territorial Positional Statements are subject to periodic review, and therefore represent the considered view of The Salvation Army within the territory on a subject at a certain point in time.

Territorial Moral and Social Issues Councils support the work of the International Moral and Social Issues Council, which reports to the General and is responsible for The Salvation Army’s International Positional Statements.

For more information about the Territorial Moral and Social Issues Council, please visit their webpage.

Discover more

Major Will Pearson talks to Salvationist about the territory’s new positional statement on drug use and dependency.

Learn more about our vision and mission priorities.

Information and guidance about moral and social issues for members of The Salvation Army.

Helping Salvationists engage in moral and social issues in their communities.