Chief Secretary's Office
Moral and Social Issues Council

Helping Salvationists engage in moral and social issues in their communities.
The Moral and Social Issues Council (MASIC) reports to Cabinet, The Salvation Army’s senior spiritual leadership team in the UK and Ireland Territory.
Its role is:
- To provide an ethical perspective and advice to territorial leadership
- To help Salvationists engage in moral and social issues in their communities
The council includes officers and non-officers appointed by the Chief Secretary.
It aims to reflect the diversity of the territory and draw upon the skills, academic research, biblical and theological scholarship, and experience of its members and the wider Salvation Army.
Territorial Moral and Social Issues Councils support the work of the International Moral and Social Issues Council, which reports to the General and is responsible for The Salvation Army’s International Positional Statements.
Connect with us

Information and guidance about moral and social issues for members of The Salvation Army.

A webinar considering how we can create welcoming and hospitable spaces.

Empowering young people to improve the future by disturbing the present.

We speak into areas of public policy to support change for the benefit of some of the most disadvantaged people in our communities.