Mission Service
Community Services

Helping local expressions of The Salvation Army recruit and support volunteers.
Volunteering opportunities can:
- Help grow Salvation Army programmes
- Lead people to further involvement in corps life
- Add richness to our worshipping communities
Support for you
Lydia Kibaara, Volunteer Development Manager, works within Community Services at territorial headquarters to:
- Create resources, share best practice, and offer guidance around volunteering to improve both the volunteer and volunteer manager experience.
- Ensure volunteer processes are up-to-date and relevant.
- Improve the collection and management of volunteer data through our iTrent system.
- Extend the external reach of Salvation Army volunteering to include more diverse audiences.
Lydia can:
- Provide advice and training on volunteer management;
- Assist with setting up new volunteer-involving programmes;
- Collect and disseminate examples of volunteer best practice across the territory.
Discover more

War Cry's Linda McTurk shines a light on Volunteers Week (1-7 June).

Heralds sell our weekly papers to the public and represent us in local communities. Would you like to join them?