
Selling the Army's papers

A selection of War Cry and Kids Alive! covers
Heralds sell our War Cry and Kids Alive! to the public - any profit goes to the local corps.

Speak to your corps officer if you'd like to become a herald.

Meet Richard

Richard Smart is a herald from Wimbledon Corps. He says: ‘The War Cry is a gift that follows their donation and opens up doors to have a chat with them about Jesus, which you wouldn’t otherwise be able to do. 

‘We’re a small corps – there are only about 20 of us - so that extra £2,000 we make through paper sales is actually very important.’

That extra £2,000 we make through paper sales is actually very important.
Richard Smart, Wimbledon Corps

Meet Graham and Rachel

There are heralds of all ages and backgrounds across the territory.

Graham Warburton is from Swanage Corps in Dorset, and Rachel Frost is from Buckhaven Corps in Scotland.

Graham says: 'I enjoy raising funds for our corps, but more important is the outreach of Jesus into the community.'

Rachel says: 'We have found that there is a renewed interest in The Salvation Army publications and quite often we’ll run out of papers while participating in the ministry, something that rarely happened before the pandemic.'

I enjoy raising funds for our corps, but more important is the outreach of Jesus into the community.
Graham Warburton, Swanage Corps



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Selling the Army's papers: 'It is a privilege to represent the Army and the Lord'

Herald Dennis Cooper shares about his experience of selling Army papers and being a witness for Christ.

2 May 2022

Selling the Army's papers: 'People share their joys as well as their sorrows'

Herald Margaret Tucker shares about her experience of selling Army papers and being a witness for Christ.

3 May 2022

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