Communications Service

Ecumenical and Interfaith

A photo shows Commissioner Vibeke Krommenhoek and Commissioner Jane Paone with the Rt Rev Rowan Williams

Building partnerships with other Christians and people of other faiths.

Across the UK and Ireland The Salvation Army is involved in ecumenical and interfaith work, building strong and effective relationships locally, divisionally and nationally.

Latest news

Army strengthens bond with European churches

5 Oct 2024 | Feature, Ecumenical Office
Commissioner Vibeke Krommenhoek (IHQ) and Territorial Ecumenical Officer Major Paul Robinson visit the Conference of European Churches (CEC) office in Brussels.

Windrush 75: Sea Change

22 Jun 2023 | Interview, War Cry
Richard Reddie reflects on what sustained the Windrush generation and how they helped shape Britain for the better.

Being churches together

4 Jan 2023 | Interview, Ecumenical Office
Lieut-Colonel Jonathan Roberts asks Mike Royal about his new role as general secretary of Churches Together in England.

Discover more

Journeying together, respecting each other's cultures, and starting to tangibly see God's Kingdom now, right before our eyes.

Celebrating and embracing ethnic and cultural diversity within The Salvation Army.

Ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of everything we do.

A collection of posters and flyers translated in a number of languages that can be used in your corps or centre.

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