MASIC presents: Racial Inclusion and The Salvation Army

A webinar considering what action we can take to create welcoming and hospitable spaces.
Over the past 18 months, the territory’s Moral and Social Issues Council has hosted a number of online events designed to help Salvationists think ethically and theologically about some of the major issues of our day.
Join us this November for the latest in the series of ‘MASIC presents…’ as we explore that subject of racial inclusion and The Salvation Army.
We’ll hear from members of the territory’s Racial Inclusion Working Group about their work, from Salvationists about their experiences of racial inclusion and we’ll learn about what action we can take to ensure that our corps and centres are welcoming and hospitable spaces.
The panel
- Host: Major Althea Bawden (Assistant Principal, William Booth College)
- Colonel Jenine Main (Territorial Secretary for Leader Development)
- Major Jonny Smith (Intercultural Mission Enabler)
- Jennifer Laurent-Smart (Equality and Diversity Manager)
- Corps Sergeant-Major Cloud Tembo (Milton Keynes)
- Raj Gill (Guildford)
Who's it for?
This is a free public event but it will be especially helpful to anyone linked to The Salvation Army.
When is it?
- Monday 14 November, 7.30pm
Where is it?
This is an online event hosted on Zoom.
To receive the Zoom details, please complete the registration form.
Contact details
Discover more

Helping Salvationists engage in moral and social issues in their communities.

Celebrating and embracing ethnic and cultural diversity within The Salvation Army.

Ivan Radford outlines new initiatives introduced by the territory’s Racial Inclusion Working Group.