CY Conference: Grow

Children & Youth

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A weekend to explore how we can hold and grow the potential of our children and young people.

‘Every acorn has the potential to become a mighty oak tree.’ 

Each child and young person holds within them an innate, God-given potential for a life that is enduring, resilient, fruitful and beautiful. This weekend, we’ll lean into our calling – to hold the potential of every child and young person – and learn how we create environments that nurture, feed and allow growth into beauty, strength and flourishing in being rooted and grounded in love (see Ephesians 3:17).

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Individual and group bookings are available. Book by 30 November 2024 for early bird prices.

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Working alongside young people is central to the mission of The Salvation Army.

Upcoming events organised by the Children & Youth Department.

Resources and ideas for schools ministry.

Resources to support praying for your local school.