Day 98: Praying for families (1971)

23 September 2024

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Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 98 of 150 days of prayer.

  • 'The sea and everything that is in it should shout to praise the Lord! The earth and all those who live in it should shout as well!’ (Psalm 98:7, EasyEnglish Bible). 


An article in The Deliverer magazine of Sep/Oct 1971 read:

‘Now that society adopts a less severe attitude towards unmarried mothers, many of them remain in their own district to have their babies instead of going away to other towns. Many more mothers are keeping their babies, too. Of the babies born in the city of Cardiff in 1969, 89 per cent were kept by their mothers, 9 per cent were adopted and the rest fostered.

‘Mostly it is mothers in the 15-20 age group who, wishing to keep their babies, find it difficult to find accommodation. These are girls who can be helped over this difficult period at Northlands. They will be allowed the maximum length of stay of two years and during that time will be taught how to care for their babies and to look after their own rooms. Should they wish to find a place of their own, every help and encouragement will be given.

‘Commissioner Julia Tickner, Leader of the Women’s Social Services, showed how there had always been a readiness to adapt to changing needs. The extending of Northlands to include a Mother and Baby Home and Day Nursery was an up-to-the-moment example.’


  • Pray for those families that are supporting single parents to raise their children. 

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