Day 84: Praying for small bands (1957)

9 September 2024

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Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 84 of 150 days of prayer.

  • ‘I want very much to go to the Lord’s temple. I very much want to be in the temple yards. With all that I am, and with great joy, I sing to you, the God who lives for ever!’ (Psalm 84:2, EasyEnglish Bible). 


Florence Booth was promoted to Glory on 10 June 1957. The 22 June War Cry gave a brief insight into her conversion. 

‘Florence Booth (née Soper) was in London visiting friends and doing a round of society pleasures, when she saw an announcement that Mrs Booth of The Salvation Army would speak at a meeting in the West End… Mrs Booth’s powerful message came with a deep conviction of the soul… Earnestly [Florence] sought salvation through faith in Christ. She returned to her Welsh home determined to follow him.’

The same issue of the War Cry highlighted her concern for the rights of women:

‘Hers was an untiring campaign against the inequalities of the law in relation to women. It was not until 1923 that the Matrimonial Causes Act put men and women on an equal footing on the question of divorce, but in February 1911, Mrs Booth said, “that a woman should be held bound to an unfaithful husband, while a man is freed from an unfaithful wife, is to place the woman at an iniquitous disadvantage and to encourage unfaithfulness in the man. This is surely a survival of the idea from which sprang slavery and man’s ownership of his wife.”’

1957 was a special year for Abergavenny Corps. ‘We were asked to represent small bands at Bandmasters’ Councils in the Royal Albert Hall, combining the trip with a visit to Sutton Corps,’ recalls one of the bandsmen playing that day, Eric Davies, still playing at 92. ‘The International Staff Band made space on stage to accommodate our band of nine. We played “Southern Skies”, with BM Arthur Davies conducting while playing his cornet, and “Martial Hosts”, led by Deputy BM Harold Davies conducting while playing his tuba! The band received rapturous applause.’ 

Retired Songster Leader Dennis Evans (recently promoted to Glory from Southend Citadel), who also played on the day, says: ‘We had a wonderful day at Sutton with the added blessing of being asked to play at Councils. Occasions like this reinforce the important part played by small bands like Abergavenny as they bear daily witness to God’s love.’

(Information supplied by Retired Corps Sergeant-Major Keith Jones, Abergavenny)


  • Pray for the small bands, like that at Abergavenny, who minister and support worship whenever it is possible. 
  • Pray that, with Cynefin (area) worship gatherings happening regularly, the small bands may occasionally have opportunity to play together to form a larger band at Cynefin worship.

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Daily prayers to inform, encourage and immerse the territory in prayer.

The Salvation Army celebrates 150 years in Wales.

Captain Kathryn Stowers talks to Major Jo Moir (THQ) about celebrating 150 years of mission and ministry in Wales.

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