Day 80: Thanking God for friendships (1953)
5 September 2024
Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 80 of 150 days of prayer.
- ‘God, you sit on your throne as king, above the cherubs. Show everyone your bright glory!’ (Psalm 80:1, EasyEnglish Bible).
There are several surviving letters dated 1953-1957 from Commissioner Catherine Bramwell Booth and Colonel Major Mary B Booth to Corps Sergeant-Major George Jones of Abersychan. Catherine mentions her mother, Florence Booth, who was promoted to Glory in 1957. Here are some excerpts
‘My mother was pleased to have your letter at Christmas time and asks me to tell you that she is wonderfully well and praising God for his goodness to us as a family.’ (1953)
‘This letter brings disappointment. We have talked it over and it does not seem possible that any of us can be with you for the anniversary in May. My sister Olive has been very poorly indeed and confined to bed for some time… Colonel Mary is not able to come either, and my sister Dora and I are needed to look after the other dear ones in the home.’ (1954)
‘I am sorry, though not surprised, that the time has come when you must retire from so strenuous a position as that of corps sergeant-major. What a wonderful record!… My darling mother remains very weak and frail. A few days ago, the temperature returned, but has now gone down again and she is able to sit up a little every day.’ (1957)
- Thank God for your Christian friends and friends who are not yet Christians.
- Thank God for the friendship of Jesus.
What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!
(Song Book of The Salvation Army, 795)
- If you like modern worship songs as well as these classic hymns then maybe take some time to look up this one: Matt Maher, ‘What a Friend’
Discover more
Captain Kathryn Stowers talks to Major Jo Moir (THQ) about celebrating 150 years of mission and ministry in Wales.