Day 67: Thanking God for answered prayer (1940)
23 August 2024

Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 67 of 150 days of prayer.
- ‘‘God, please bless us! Then all people everywhere will respect you’ (Psalm 67:7, EasyEnglish Bible).
In a letter dated 9 November 1940, Mr CJ Phipps of Swansea wrote to ‘The Maréchale’* recalling an occasion of answered prayer:
‘Do you remember that evening in Torquay in the meeting house?… That evening proves a memorable one for me, at the time I was that poor unfortunate soldier who approached you with his troubles that his daughter was dangerously ill with a dreaded illness which had developed slight temporary paralysis. Today, on my wife’s behalf, I open my heart to you with all my thankfulness and good gratitude for the priceless reward your prayers have brought in bringing our baby Elaine back into the midst of our home.
‘At present I am on embarkation leave and am appreciating all those precious moments of matrimonial bliss with my wife and child and then some very near day I shall be away across the seas.
‘My wife is anxious as to our future and through the medium of your prayers I know I shall be strong in faith and confidence; would you pray for my guidance and safe return to my family.
‘Yours faithfully, C. J. Phipps.’
* ‘La Maréchale’ was Kate Booth, the eldest daughter of William and Catherine. She was a gifted leader and showed great courage in starting The Salvation Army in France and Switzerland. After she and her husband left the Army in 1902 (which she later regretted) she continued as an evangelist, still using the title from her days in France.
- As you look back over your days with the Lord, rejoice and give thanks for prayers prayed that have been answered.
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Captain Kathryn Stowers talks to Major Jo Moir (THQ) about celebrating 150 years of mission and ministry in Wales.