Day 66: Praying for Cardiff Ely (1939)
22 August 2024

Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 66 of 150 days of prayer.
- ‘So I praise God, as he deserves. He has not refused to listen to me. He has continued to love me with his faithful love’ (Psalm 66:20, EasyEnglish Bible).
On 3 September 1939 Neville Chamberlain announced: ‘This country is at war with Germany.’ In the 9 September War Cry, the General issued a call to all Salvationists: ‘Be ready to serve.’ Addressing ‘my dear officers and soldiers’, she wrote:
‘Despite the long, patient, and heroic struggle of the prime minister, supported by the British government, the brazen threat of war has been heard throughout the world, and the surging billows of sorrow and misery have swept the seven seas.
‘With a heart palpating with distress and pain I call upon every Salvationist to repeat the sacrificial and heroic service, that has characterised the Army’s response to every crisis since first the flag unfurled.
‘Yours as always under the flag, Evangeline Booth.’
The Second World War saw mass evacuation. ‘Between 1939 and 1945, almost four million people were moved from British cities, and two hundred thousand came to different corners of Wales’ ( website).
In the midst of war Salvationists continued to serve their communities. For example, on 30 September, a new hall was opened at Cardiff Ely. The corps history book recorded the months leading up to this:
23 May
‘Capt Cox and Lieut Thompson appointed to open The Salvation Army corps at the new housing estate at Ely.’
31 May
‘Opening meeting conducted by Col W Bailey (DC). Tent not arrived so meeting held in the open air.’
4 June
‘Weekend meetings held in tent. Corps officer assisted by Canton Band. Good attendances and great enthusiasm among young people and seniors. The beginning of, we hope, a great soul-saving time.
13 August
‘The tent, after receiving much bad treatment at the hands of gangs of hooligans and further damage by the constant bad weather, had to be abandoned. After some little difficulty we secured the use of the Welfare Hall on the other side of the estate for meetings on Sunday and the home league. The tent, despite the trouble it gave, has given us good service, and will long be remembered by those who there sought the Saviour.’
30 September
‘The opening of the new hall. Hallelujah! A very fine building to accommodate 200.’
- Pray for Cardiff Ely Corps and its surrounding community.
- Give thanks for all the people they are in contact with and for those who experience God working in their lives.
Closing thoughts on the 1930s
The story of the 1930s started with talk of another revival – possibly said more in hope than reality. It ended with the dreadful words, ‘This country is at war with Germany.’ Throughout the decade, The Salvation Army in Wales was becoming an integral part of the story of local communities; communities that were no strangers to unemployment, poverty, and the ever-present fear of yet another pit disaster.
Discover more

Captain Kathryn Stowers talks to Major Jo Moir (THQ) about celebrating 150 years of mission and ministry in Wales.