Day 58: Praying for Maesteg (1931)

14 August 2024

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Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 58 of 150 days of prayer.

  • ‘It is true! God helps good people! There is a God who judges people on Earth in a fair way’ (Psalm 58:11, EasyEnglish Bible). 


A 7 March War Cry headline asked, ‘On the Eve Of Another Mighty Revival?’ The article by ‘Correspondent Evans of Swansea I’ attempted to answer that question.

‘It was my privilege, 27 years ago, to accompany Commissioner Railton to the Army corps in the Welsh coalfields during the great revival of that period. After the remarkable scenes I witnessed last night, I am wondering whether we are not on the eve of another mighty revival which will destroy the apathy and indifference now crippling much of the religious life of Wales.

‘Entering the Pontycymmer Army hall … I found a converts testimony meeting in progress. The building was full… On the platform was a splendid crowd of bright, happy, intelligent young men – all colliers – recent converts of the Blaengarw Corps … a mile away, where an awakening has also taken place.

‘“Brother Ned Davies will speak!’ cried the captain. A young man walked to the platform. “Before I got saved a few weeks ago, I was a waster!” he began. “I did not know what happiness meant. I cared for nothing or nobody. But now I thank God I’m saved. My child was dying, and I prayed, ‘O God! Spare my child!’ And He healed the boy.”

‘“Brother Lodwick will speak!” From the crowded hall a fine type of the Welsh collier walked to the platform. He was a convert of the Blaengarw Corps, known as a terror in the district; he now enjoyed freedom from the bondage of drink. As he told of his happiness since his conversion a few weeks ago the hall rang with hallelujahs.

‘How far will this Awakening spread! There are already signs of it reaching other districts. Maesteg, over the mountain from Pontycymmer and the Garw Corps, is feeling the glow.

‘It is possible that the stress and hardships encountered by the Welsh people have prepared the way for the fire now kindled in the Garw Valley.

‘It is possible that through the prayers and faithfulness of these frail women officers, who willingly suffer the hardships and privations of the people they love and work for, God may yet bring about a great awakening of real soul-saving religion. We pray that possibility may become reality!’


  • Prayer walking has become a popular and expressive way to pray for our communities. Pray for the corps folks at Maesteg who regularly undertake this ministry. 
  • Pray for their 3T Club (Tea, toast and talk), that it will be a place of safety within their community.

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Daily prayers to inform, encourage and immerse the territory in prayer.

The Salvation Army celebrates 150 years in Wales.

Captain Kathryn Stowers talks to Major Jo Moir (THQ) about celebrating 150 years of mission and ministry in Wales.

Learn more about our vision and mission priorities.

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