Day 32: Renewing fervour and enthusiasm for the gospel (1905)
19 July 2024
Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 32 of 150 days of prayer.
- ‘When God has forgiven someone's sins, they are truly happy. They may have turned against God, but when God forgives them, they are happy’ (Psalm 32:1, EasyEnglish Bible).
The Keswick Convention started in 1875 and was the focal point for the Higher Life Movement in the UK. This was part of the wider holiness movement, of which The Salvation Army was a significant part. In the summer of 1903, the first ‘Keswick in Wales’ was held at Llandrindod Wells. This event inspired many Welsh Christians, giving them a new-found zeal.
In That Contentious Doctrine, Melvyn Jones notes:
‘The Keswick Convention in Llandrindod Wells was a significant event in the build-up to the Welsh Revival. Following that convention –
‘Three hundred Welshmen came to the [Lake District] Keswick of 1905… A strong spirit of expectancy was heightened by a preliminary meeting on the Saturday morning when RB Jones from Porth asked why the revival had not spread more obviously beyond Wales: “Cannot this convention set England on fire?”’ (JC Pollock, The Keswick Story)
‘The Keswick leaders quenched the enthusiasm of those Welshmen.’
The enthusiasm of Salvationists also appears to have been quenched by the Keswick leaders: ‘Keswick’s soberness contrasted with the hallelujahs: “All the meetings have been particularly quiet,” was the record’s account one year. “There are no loud Salvationist outcries.”’ (JC Pollock, The Keswick Story)
Welsh people are often characterised as being fervent, emotional and enthusiastic, with great hwyl (fervour and enthusiasm) – thus being amenable to revival. Similarly, early day Salvationists were known for their fervour, emotion and enthusiasm – red hot and eager to promote revival.
- Pray that we might see a renewed fervour and enthusiasm for the gospel in the Wales Division.
- Ask God what part he wants you to play in promoting the gospel in your community.
Discover more
Captain Kathryn Stowers talks to Major Jo Moir (THQ) about celebrating 150 years of mission and ministry in Wales.