10 February 2023

Turkey and Syria earthquakes

A photo of the a brick building destroyed by an earthquake

The people of Turkey and Syria are very much in our prayers following the devastating earthquakes.

The Salvation Army is working with its external partners to meet the needs of those affected by the recent earthquakes in Turkey, Syria and the wider region.

You are welcome to support the ongoing response and the longer-term recovery of those impacted via salvationarmy.org.uk.

General Brian Peddle, international leader of The Salvation Army, has tweeted: ‘The horrific pictures coming from Turkey and Syria are cause for great and global concern. Praying for those affected, those experiencing great loss. Praying also for all who are assisting in this tragedy.’

Emergency Response is one of The Salvation Army International Development UK's five areas of work. In the immediate aftermath of disasters and emergency situations, The Salvation Army is swift to respond with practical and pastoral care.

Let’s pray


We want to bring before you a prayer for the people of Turkey and Syria. We pray for everyone whose lives have been destroyed in the earthquakes that have devastated parts of these countries.

We bring before you the injured. Lord, bring healing to mind, body and soul through your Spirit’s power.

We bring before you the families, friends, and communities of those who have died. May they experience the comfort of your embrace. We pray for anyone who is still trapped and longing for rescue.

We pray for the respective governments of these countries. Grant them clarity and ways to respond quickly to the plight of their people.

We bring before you those displaced and made homeless – help them to find new homes, Lord.

We lift up to you the emergency services and rescue teams working so hard to rescue people buried in rubble. Bless them, Lord, with energy and sharpness in their searching.

We bring before you the hospitals and medical teams on the ground – gift them with skills beyond their understanding.

We bring before you all the people of Turkey and Syria – may there be hope as they look to clear debris and rebuild infrastructure.

Lord, in your incredible mercy, bring beauty from ashes in this situation. We know you are present with everyone in the midst of this crisis, with the people in their pain and loss. We thank you for your amazing grace and love, God of every place and time.

We love you Lord.

In the name of Jesus,


Donate via salvationarmy.org.uk

The Salvation Army is working with its external partners to meet the needs of those affected by the recent earthquake in Turkey, Syria and the wider region. Your donation will support the current ongoing response and the longer term recovery of those impacted.

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