30 April 2022
Join Salvationists around the world in a reading and reflection plan
Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham

World Secretary for Spiritual Life Development Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham introduces a worldwide reading and reflection plan.
In 2021 General Brian Peddle launched two new resources – Called to Be a Soldier and Day by Day: Call to Mission – to help Salvationists explore what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and live out that calling in our everyday lives.
A tremendous effort has been made to ensure copies of these books have been placed into the hands of all soldiers.
Called to Be a Soldier, which explores the Soldier’s Covenant, is a rich resource for those considering the commitment of soldiership – as well as being a helpful tool for those who already are to review and refresh their covenant. We have a great opportunity as a global Army to use this resource to explore and rediscover the calling of soldiership.
The General has written: ‘Our actions as Salvationists are determined by what we believe. So it follows that we should take time to study our own calling, to reflect upon these beliefs and consider the implications for how we live.’
To support this aim, International Headquarters invites Salvationists around the world to read Called to Be a Soldier together, beginning on 1 May.
How it works
We will focus on one chapter of the book each week and will share thoughts, indicate questions for reflection and encourage discussion on the International Spiritual Life Development Facebook and Instagram pages. Content will also be included in each week’s Salvationist magazine so that anyone not on social media can also get involved.
We look forward to sharing stories of transformation and hearing where God is at work in people’s lives. Our international Salvation Army is formed of thousands of passionate disciples who have a heart for seeing others grow and flourish in their relationship with Jesus – and we think that is something to celebrate!
Reading schedule
- 1 May: Introduction
- 8 May: Chapter 1: Having accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord
- 15 May: Chapter 2: I believe and will live by the truths of the word of God
- 22 May: Chapter 3: I will be responsive to the Holy Spirit’s work
- 29 May: Chapter 4: I will make the values of the Kingdom of God ... the standard for my life
- 5 June: Chapter 5: I will uphold Christian integrity in every area of my life
- 12 June: Chapter 6: I will maintain Christian ideals in all my relationships
- 19 June: Chapter 7: I will uphold the sanctity of marriage and of family life
- 26 June: Chapter 8: I will be a faithful steward of my time and gifts
- 3 July: Chapter 9: I will abstain from ... all ... that could enslave the body or spirit
- 10 July: Chapter 10: I will be faithful to the purposes for which God has raised up The Salvation Army
- 17 July: Chapter 11: I will be actively involved ... in the life, work, worship and witness of the corps
- 24 July: Chapter 12: I will be true to the principles and practices of The Salvation Army
Follow The Salvation Army International Spiritual Life Development on Instagram and Facebook for more details:
- Facebook: The Salvation Army Spiritual Life Development
- Instagram: Salvation Army Spiritual Life
Written by

Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham
World Secretary for Spiritual Life Development, International Headquarters
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