8 March 2025

'Her example encourages me': Inspiring women of faith

A montage of photos shows the women featured in the article.

Women from across the territory celebrate other women who have influenced them in their faith.

A photo shows Ade.


I am spoilt for choice as I feel blessed and supported by several women in my life. The Lord has guided me to the Women of Hope at Wood Green Salvation Army. Ade became my prayer partner and a friend; her natural spirituality has anchored me in my faith, bringing me to a place of confidence in my journey with the Lord Jesus, enabling me to serve others.

It is an honour to share my love for every sister in Christ Jesus my Saviour. Thank you to Major Paula Knight (Wood Green) for her endless support in my journey also.

from Sonia Westney (Wood Green)


A photo shows Naomi Kelly's Daughter.

My Daughter

A woman who inspires me is my Daughter! She is 13, but is turning into quite the young woman. She is sure of who she is and does not change herself to fit in with others. She is bold in her faith and unashamedly talks to her peers about going to church. While she follows the latest trends, she never lets it cloud her sense of identity in Christ. She inspires me to be bold and to love myself as God made me to be.

from Captain Naomi Kelly (Middlesbrough)


Photos show Eileen Davies and Eve Gray.

Eileen Davies and Eve Gray

Well I don’t have one woman who inspires me, but two amazing women: Eileen Davies and Eve Gray. Eileen took me through my junior soldier classes, then journeyed with me in my senior recruits classes. She’s always willing to listen and support anyone thinking about soldiership or becoming an adherent. I love listening to her speak about the Bible and discussing with her.

Eileen is always talking to everyone at church, especially the young people, and listening to what we’ve been up to – she even comes to all my school concerts! Eve is my prayer partner and a big role model in my faith journey. She helps lead the Central, Southern and Channel Islands Divisional Youth Chorus and encourages me to use my music abilities in worship, whether it’s occasionally singing in worship band or helping organise our Overflow contemporary worship sessions. She always supports me.

If I have any questions or worries, Eve is there to listen and offer advice, but also encourages me to think about the messages in the Bible and reminds me to trust God’s plan. There are so many more amazing female role models at my corps and beyond, and I’m so blessed to have all of them involved in my faith journey.

from Anya Brain (Maidenhead)


A photo shows Natalie Sparnon and her Grandma.

My Grandma

My Grandma, Jeanne, has always been an amazing woman of faith. Her journey as a missionary showed her dedication to spreading the love of Christ and, upon marrying my grandfather, she wholeheartedly supported his chaplaincy. Her unwavering support and care, especially as she stood by his side during his battle with MS until his passing, highlighted her strength and selflessness.

Even now, she continues to be my spiritual anchor, offering words of wisdom and the perfect advice when I need it the most. Her example encourages me to live out my faith with the same grace and unwavering courage she has always shown.

from Natalie Sparnon (Bristol South)


A photo shows Janet Elliot.

Janet Elliot

She has always been the one who made me realise it is OK to say ‘I am a Christian’ and has given me the confidence to tell people. Throughout our time together, Janet has, at certain times in my life, reminded me to ‘ask the Lord’, which resulted in one time prompting me to become a senior soldier and go into uniform.

Janet reminded me to keep asking the Lord when I had doubts or queries. I have never forgotten that reminder and I am still doing that now, not only for my own life but also for when I pray for others.

from Recruiting Sergeant Betty (Stornoway)


A photo shows Kathryn Blowers.

Major Kathryn Blowers

Major Kathryn was a woman of extraordinary faith and compassion, who deeply influenced my faith journey. She truly embodied The Salvation Army’s motto: heart to God, hand to man. Kathryn was a trailblazer for Roma women, standing firmly behind them and ensuring their voices were heard. She believed in the power of women to lead, serve and shape the future of faith.

Through her unwavering dedication, God used her to open doors for the Roma community to encounter Christ, paving the way for many. Though she is no longer with us, her legacy of love, justice and empowerment continues to inspire me and countless others. Thank you, Pastorka Kathryn – you will never be forgotten.

from Maria Holmokova (Gravesend)


An illustration shows stars.

Major Lindsey Toy

Major Lindsey (Taunton) created a safe environment for me to grieve after my Mum’s passing, we shared memories, she gave me endless support, comfort and compassion. We both shared a love of God’s work through The Salvation Army. She is my strength and comfort. May God richly bless Major Lindsey and The Salvation Army.

from Faye Mills


A photo shows Liz Carpagnano.

Liz Carpagnano

My faith has become so strong with encouragement and support from Liz. She has shown me how prayer and beautiful songs are so spiritually uplifting. I feel the love of God in my heart and soul. Thank you, Liz. You are an inspiration and a blessing to us all.

from Hazel Sheen (Ringwood)


A photo shows Mary McDonald.

Major Mary McDonald

Major Mary and I both arrived at Kirkcaldy Corps in the summer of 2010. Mary has provided prayerful and practical encouragement for my whole family in that time. When I think back, she is there beside us in our darkest moments and celebrating our happiest of times.

Mary also uses her wonderful gift of hospitality within our corps. Her delicious soup warms the body, while her kindness warms the soul. An inspirational woman if ever there was one and I am blessed to call her my friend. Here is a photo of her doting on my youngest boy, Andrew.

from Felicity Grubb (Kirkcaldy)


A photo shows Mo Dunham.

Mo Dunn

I’ve known Mo (Dunstable) for over 40 years, since I was a junior soldier at Luton Citadel in the 1980s. Mo, I remember your fun and mischievous character, your love for the Lord and your family, but most of all your giving nature and willingness to open up your home and be there for the young people of the corps in so many ways. Folks who know you, Mo, will know you’ve been through a lot in recent years.

Your unwavering faith and service are inspirational to me and, I’m sure, to many. Know that you are much loved and still fondly thought of. I hope that you find comfort and encouragement in knowing that you made a difference to me and my twin brother, Ray, and many others in some turbulent teenage years. I uphold you in prayer and hope that we can reconnect as friends and sisters in Christ. You’re a star!

from Lyn Woods (Beccles)


A photo shows Tatiane del Campo with her Mum.

My Mum

I can’t talk about my faith without my Mum coming to mind. She’s this amazing woman who’s poured her life into serving Jesus by simply loving and caring for our family. Through her, I’ve seen that walking with God isn’t always this perfect, flowery path. It is sometimes messy and difficult. She never let go of Jesus, even when life got hard, gently leading us towards him.

When I think of what love looks like in real life, it’s her – my guide, my example, the person who showed me what faith means when it leaves the pages of Scripture and walks around in everyday life.

from Tatiane del Campo (Sutton)


An illustration shows praying hands and a heart.

Pam Parnell

She was wonderful. She showed me nothing but love and kindness.

from Susan Strong (Risca)


Pauline Parker and Kath Rayner

Although brought up as a Roman Catholic, my children attended the Salvation Army Sunday school. When my daughter decided to get married at the Army, two of the local Salvationists approached me and offered to do the floral decorations for the wedding. They were Pauline Parker and Kath Rayner. They became good friends, and it was due to their ongoing love and support I started attending the Sunday morning meetings.

At their invitation I attended Alpha courses and Bible studies. I realised I had found my spiritual home and, in 1990, became an adherent. I also became a member of the home league, and it was during this time that I received much love and excellent support from the then Home League Secretary Maureen Cates, along with the fellowship of other ladies that comprised this group, especially during the time my husband, Colin, was in care suffering from Alzheimer’s.

In 2024, I was made a soldier and I am an active soldier showing love to others by serving the Lord in a number of different ways, including working at the food bank and doing home visits. My inspirational verse is: ‘Whatever you did for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did for me’ (Matthew 25:40 God’s Word Translation). Praise the Lord!

from Pat Gage (Felixstowe)


A photo shows Racheal.


I was born into a Christian family in Omu-Aran in Kwara State, Nigeria, one of four children. From an early age, my mother encouraged me to be a follower of Jesus, attending Sunday school and all aspects of church life – to read my Bible, pray and help others. Now as a mother myself to three children, I try to be like my mother and bring my children up as followers of Jesus. Praise and thank you to her.

from Deborah Afolayam (Merthyr Tydfil)


A photo shows Shirley McKenzie.

Major Shirley McKenzie

There are lots of women who have influenced my spiritual life, from family members, YP workers, section leaders, local leaders, officers, members of my church and, in recent years, women of faith in non-faith workplaces. So many do this without knowing the impact they have, just by leading a God-led life.

However, the woman I would like to recognise for impacting me, especially my adult spiritual journey and my journey as a new mother, would be Major Shirley McKenzie. Her humility, wisdom and care for all people she meets is a God-given gift and her willingness to share it with others, especially in her most vulnerable moments, has taught me so much as a woman of faith. Her way of encouraging all those around her by just being herself and allowing God to shine continues to inspire me.

from Talitha Ruddock (Birmingham Citadel)

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