21 February 2023

IHQ announces 2023 High Council

International Headquarters

A photo of Sunbury Court in the sunshine. Sunbury court is an 18th-century mansion with a modern glass extension.

International Headquarters (IHQ) has announced that the 2023 High Council will be held at Sunbury Court Conference Centre, commencing formally on 18 May 2023.

Mark Bennett, senior legal counsel to the General and International Headquarters, said: ‘The purpose of the High Council is to elect a new General for The Salvation Army in accordance with the Salvation Army Act.’

Recognised as a deeply spiritual occasion as well as being a legal requirement, the High Council offers the international leadership of The Salvation Army the opportunity to elect someone to lead the Army for the next five years. Every active Salvation Army officer is eligible to be elected as General.

Global leaders will be issued with a formal summons to attend the High Council by the Chief of the Staff, Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham. He will then preside over the opening of the High Council until a president has been elected.

The public welcome to the High Council and farewell to General Brian Peddle and World President of Women’s Ministries Commissioner Rosalie Peddle will be held on 20 May 2023 in Westminster Central Hall, London. Free tickets for this event will be available on a first-come, first-served basis and further information will follow.

For regular updates, please visit the IHQ website or follow IHQ on social media:

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