16 July 2024
Covenant Day: What is it and why is it important?

Integrative Training Officer Major Wendy Stanbury (William Booth College) talks to Salvationist about the sacred moment when cadets sign the Officer’s Covenant.
Covenant Day is often mentioned in passing. What is it, exactly?
Before Commissioning, all cadets sign the Officer’s Covenant. Covenant Day is set aside for them to reflect upon their calling before they commit to this covenant with God.
What is the Officer’s Covenant?
A Salvationist who feels called to become a soldier signs the Soldier’s Covenant. In doing so, they enter a relationship with God that says he will be their God and they will be his people, living by certain beliefs, principles and practices within The Salvation Army.
Salvation Army officers sign this further covenant. First and foremost, they commit to loving God supremely all their days and to making people’s salvation their first priority. The covenant also lists some ways in which they do that: loving the unloved, befriending those who have no friends, clothing the naked, reaching out to people on the margins of society.
What exactly happens on Covenant Day?
Before the day begins, cadets spend time praying with their personal support officers in their flats. Then they come into the Assembly Hall for a meeting led by the territorial leaders.
The cadets are invited to kneel at the mercy seat and sign a copy of the Covenant when they’re ready. Each cadet signs it individually. The signed Officer’s Covenant is taken to the territorial leaders, who sign it in witness and pray with the cadet.
Why is Covenant Day so significant to cadets?
Most officers would see this day as ‘the moment’ where they say: ‘This is it. I lay my all on the altar. I give my all to God. I enter into this covenant relationship.’ Much of the preparation and training is building up to this. Commissioning is the exciting and celebratory public witness of the work of God in the lives of the cadets, but Covenant Day is simply about the cadet and God. It’s a special, sacred time. It’s very emotional because so much personal work happens between the cadet and God in that sacred moment.

As well as the Officer’s Covenant, cadets also commit to the Undertakings. What’s the link between these two promises?
They’re both about obedience to God. The 15 promises and declarations of the Undertakings are the technical practicalities of what it means to be an officer. For example, what does officership actually mean in terms of your allowance and release from employment? The focus of the Officer’s Covenant is about an officer’s reciprocal relationship with God. The Undertakings are about how this is expressed within The Salvation Army.
How can we be praying for cadets at this time of year?
Around Commissioning time, pray for the cadets to experience peace – that this is the right thing, that this is what God is calling them to. Pray also for their family and friends who will be at Commissioning – that, even if they don’t profess a Christian faith, they experience something of God.
After Commissioning, pray for the new lieutenants to feel settled, and for all the practicalities of moving and beginning a first appointment. Pray also for the corps who receive them and the corps who lose people who are about to become cadets – this time of year is a period of transition for the whole territory.
What does Covenant Day mean for people who aren’t cadets?
It’s an opportunity for everyone to think about what it means to be faithful and obedient to God. That doesn’t always look like officership. It could be a different form of spiritual leadership. It could be your vocation as a teacher or hairdresser! But it’s about remembering that the Lord is with us. God promises his presence with us and what he asks of us is faith and obedience.
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The Defenders of Justice session share prayer requests ahead of Commissioning at Together 2024.

A lifelong commitment to Salvation Army leadership that's taken after deep thought and prayer.