Prayer requests from the Defenders of Justice

Members of the Defenders of Justice session share their prayer requests ahead of Commissioning.

There will be opportunity to pray for the new officers during the Sunday morning meeting at Together 2024.

Ed Borrett in Salvation Army uniform

Edward Borrett

Appointed to Harlesden

  • For our first appointment; that God will make clear to us his will, and that we would have the wisdom to lead as faithful followers of Christ.
  • For the community into which we are appointed; that God would reveal to us where he is at work, and how we can join in.
  • For my own spiritual development; that God will continue to deepen my faith, guide my path, and draw me evermore into his mission in the world.
Sophie Borrett in Salvation Army uniform

Sophie Borrett

Appointed to Harlesden

  • For our first appointment; that God will make clear to us his will, and that we would have the wisdom to lead as faithful followers of Christ.
  • For the community into which we are appointed; that God would reveal to us where he is at work, and how we can join in.
  • For my own spiritual development; that God will continue to deepen my faith, guide my path, and draw me evermore into his mission in the world.
Luke Furlong in Salvation Army uniform

Luke Furlong

Appointed to Isle of Wight

  • For God’s guidance and vision as we begin this next chapter. For smoothness in the moving process.
  • That God will raise more spiritual leaders in The Salvation Army to be pioneers, territorial envoys, divisional envoys, officers and local leaders.
Rachel Furlong in Salvation Army uniform

Rachel Furlong

Appointed to Isle of Wight

  • As a session, for our appointments as we prepare to move and live in new communities may we see the communities, corps and centres through God’s eyes and love and serve others with God’s love through the Holy Spirit.
  • For all at Together 2024 to have a tangible experience of God’s presence and to hear him clearly during the weekend.
  • For the wider Army in the United Kingdom and Ireland to be renewed and revived by an outpouring of God’s spirit so we may seek to love and serve him better each day.
  • For Luke and I as we go into ministry together as a newly married couple, may we keep our priorities correct and seek to serve God better as a couple than we could as individuals.
Elizabeth Kitchenside in Salvation Army uniform

Lizzy Kitchenside

Appointed to Harold Hill

  • For my friends and family to know God’s love, peace and salvation.
  • That everyone feels included and accepted within The Salvation Army.
  • For the Defenders of Justice’s first appointments – for a smooth transition and a fruitful ministry.
Beth Perkins in Salvation Army uniform

Beth Perkins

Appointed to Maidstone

  • For the new community where we will be serving. That we will have eyes to see where God is already at work and the courage and creativity to join in with his mission there.
  • For us as a family as we navigate the transition to new corps and community.
  • For our extended family as they continue to support us in our ministry.
Dave Perkins in Salvation Army uniform

Dave Perkins

Appointed to Maidstone

  • For the new community where we will be serving. That we will have eyes to see where God is already at work and the courage and creativity to join in with his mission there.
  • For us as a family as we navigate the transition to new corps and community.
  • For our extended family as they continue to support us in our ministry.
Georgia Marriott-Lodge in Salvation Army uniform

Georgia Mariott-Lodge

Appointed to Sherburn Hill

  • For a smooth move and the transition to my first appointment.
  • That God would show me opportunities to make him known in the community I will be serving in.
  • That those coming to Together 2024 will get a clear sense of God’s presence and his love for them.
John Melia in Salvation Army uniform

John Melia

Appointed to Street

  • For a smooth transition back into full time corps ministry.
  • That the patterns and habits that I have learned whilst training will continue to be a part of my ongoing spiritual journey.
  • That God will use the new things that I have learned to further the kingdom in Street and wherever he may send me.
Ana Layton in Salvation Army uniform

Ana Layton

Appointed to Maldon

  • To prepare the hearts and minds of the church, community, and myself for the transition (and a smooth move!).
  • For an infilling of the Holy Spirit’s courage and wisdom as I begin my ministry as an officer.
  • For me to remain focused on God’s vision and mission to make his love known through the Gospel message.
Paul Sass in Salvation Army uniform

Paul Sass

Appointed to Aberystwyth

  • For The Salvation Army in Wales; that our 150th year of celebration will be an impetus for us to continue to witness and reach out to people and communities in need, in Jesus’ name and power.
  • That the Lord will continue to use the myriad expressions of The Salvation Army internationally as a beacon of his hope and light to those still living with injustice and oppression.
  • That as individual followers of Jesus, we will all continue to listen to his calling and direction upon our lives; prepared to willingly respond when he calls anew and seeking to live daily by the grace and power of the Holy Spirit.
Alice Swain in Salvation Army uniform

Alice Swain

Appointed to Macclesfield

  • That I would continue to follow God’s call on my life wherever it may lead me.
  • That God would continue to use our family in his mission and that we might witness to others about God’s goodness.
  • That I would simply continue to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God.


A weekend of worship and celebration for everyone linked to The Salvation Army.

Sunday at Together 2024.

Take part in Together 2024 at home.

Major Jo Moir looks ahead to the Commissioning of the Defenders of Justice at Together 2024.

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