20 July 2024

Appointments list 2024

Appointments for active officers, and territorial and divisional envoys.

This list is published following the General Farewell process, whereby the identifying of appointments for officers and divisional and territorial envoys accepting new responsibilities is preceded by consultation with individuals, line managers and corps/centre representatives.

It shows how all active UKI officers (in this territory, at IHQ and overseas), non-UKI officers serving in the territory and territorial and divisional envoys in corps, social services and headquarters appointments have been deployed at the General Change in July 2024. Some appointments effective subsequently are also shown. Many officers also hold additional appointments that are not listed here.

New appointments that have not been announced previously are indicated with a circumflex accent (^) and modified ones with an asterisk (*). Where necessary, a fuller description of the appointment is given. Individuals are listed in alphabetical order, regardless of seniority of appointment or rank.

Information is provided by and published courtesy of the Personnel Service, THQ, and is correct at the time of going to press.

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The Defenders of Justice session share prayer requests ahead of Commissioning at Together 2024.

Major Julie Johnson encourages us to pray for leaders as the annual change of appointments is announced.

Major Julian Watchorn reports on this year’s Commissioning meetings.

Where is God leading you?

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