Summer Resources For Worship

The summer season offers corps different opportunities to gather in worship. There are more chances to get outside and worship God's creation or to experience church in a unique way. 

Below are some ideas to explore worship differently this summer. You might choose to hold worship outside, connect with your community or tune in to the Salvationist radio station. 

Why not try one or more of the ideas this summer?

Outside Worship

Take the meeting to the streets! Or at least outside if your corps has a patio, car park or garden. If not, meet in a local park. Pray, praise and witness to the community through being together outside. Curious locals might just stop to join in.

a hand outline holding the world with other bright coloured dots and a growing plant outline

Care for Creation Worship Resources

Over the summer spend time focussing on caring for the world around you.

Click here

Scattered Church

Throughout the summer, Sunday morning might look like a group of people:

  • Walking their dog
  • Meeting in the local coffee shop
  • Gardening or litter picking
  • Taking a country or beach stroll
  • And so much more…

To guide conversation, you may want to use the Bible verse and questions from the Salvationist magazine Bible study of that week. You may also like to tune in to the Salvationist radio to connect to a worship service wherever you are.

A Salvationist Radio show graphic for Sunday Worship featuring purple shapes

Tune in to Sunday Worship

You may want to use Salvationist Radio to support your time of worship. Tune in on Sunday's at 11am for worship, with music, prayer and a Bible message from a guest speaker, or listen to previous editions.

Listen here

Summer Songs of Praise

Ask people to choose their favourite songs or invite a music group to support worship. More guidance here.

Musical Chairs

Why not change the layout of the worship hall during the summer months? If you usually meet in rows, arrange the chairs in a semi-circle format. Or place chairs around tables with drinks and snacks.

Songs for corporate worship

View the number of congregational songs available to support corporate worship.

Click here

Other useful links

Resources to connect with your local community during the summer.

A range of resources to encourage you to focus on your wellbeing and rest this summer.

Resources to support and inspire your planning for the next season at your corps.