Community (Secondary)
Resources for teaching about The Salvation Army's work in the community.

Hidden Homeless Presentation
Ages 10-14
A series of pictures challenging the perception of homelessness.

Live Life To The Max
Ages 10-14
A range of lesson activities exploring homelessness and looking at how The Sandwich People project effects those experiencing homelessness.

Hole In My Life Lesson Ideas
Using colourful illustrations, simple language and concepts, pupils will understand why people become homeless, how it feels to be homeless and what The Salvation Army is doing to help people experiencing homelessness rebuild their lives.

Hole In My Life Assembly
An assembly helping pupils understand why people become homeless, how it feels to be homeless and what The Salvation Army is doing to help homeless people rebuild their lives.

Hole In My Life Assembly Outline
The outline for the Hole in My Life assembly.

Leaving Home Presentation
Ages 14-16
A lesson exploring what a refugee is and what The Salvation Army is doing to help refugees across Europe.

Leaving Home Lesson Plan
Ages 14-16
A lesson exploring what a refugee is and what The Salvation Army is doing to help refugees across Europe.

Leaving Home Character Cards
A resource to aid the Leaving Home lesson.

The Salvation Army Today Assembly
An assembly to help secondary pupils understand what the Salvation Army believes and what it does to serve others today.

The Salvation Army Today Plan
An outline for The Salvation Army Today assembly.

Community Resources
Contact us if you would like to order a set of ten red A3 posters (free) p&p not included