Pentecost Sunday

19 May 2024

At Pentecost we celebrate the birth of the Church and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Below you will find resources to support a time of corporate worship and wider community activities. Bible study sessions have also been written to focus on exploring what Pentecost means for us. 

Pentecost Teaching

Key Dates

Get started on planning this year's Pentecost service with sermon notes that focus on shared fellowship and community.

Key Dates

More teaching to give context and to help you further explore the story and meaning of Pentecost.

Key Dates

A descriptive written piece to make the story of Pentecost come alive. You may choose to read this aloud during your worship service or use it in another creative way.

red, orange and yellow lines in the background with a sample of text

Pentecost Prayer and Worship Ideas

Join together as a church fellowship to celebrate Pentecost and invite the Spirit into all that you are doing.


Bible Study Sessions (for individual use or groups)

Key Dates

A session to learn more about what holiness means particularly at Pentecost.

Key Dates

What does Pentecost mean for us today? This session will unpack what happened at Pentecost and allow you to reflect on what this means for each of us.

red, orange and yellow lines with Pentecost text in the centre

Pentecost In the Community

Ideas to share and celebrate Pentecost with your local community.


red orange and yellow stripes

Youth Small Group

Holy Spirit focussed sessions

Access material here

Additional Pentecost Resources

A special session outline for use with preschool children to explore the Christian festival Pentecost.

Connect session for Pentecost.

Discipleship material for children’s groups. To help your group to interact, grow and have fun together. Now available: April 2025.

Primary school assemblies covering a range of popular topics for the school year.

Many thanks to Lieutenant Christopher Button for writing the resources for Pentecost 2024. 

Join the global Pentecost prayer movement 'Thy Kingdom Come'

Pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.

Find out more

Send us your feedback

Let us know what you think of the resources on this page and what material you would like to see in the future.

Email us

Other useful resources

Resources to help support key dates throughout the year

A collection of videos to use in worship services including congregational songs, key date worship videos and videos from other territories.

Join a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus.

Daily prayers to inform, encourage and immerse the territory in prayer.

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