Candidates Sunday 2023

‘I am confident that the Creator, who has begun such a great work among you, will not stop in mid-design but will keep perfecting you until the day Jesus the Anointed, our Liberating King, returns to redeem the world.’ Philippians 1:6 – The Voice
Candidates Sunday: 7 May 2023
This Candidates Sunday we will build on last year’s focus of Becoming and prayerfully and passionately consider how we are…
BECOMING all we are created to be
BECOMING all that God would want us to be
BECOMING more and more like Jesus
BECOMING the unique God-colours in the world (Matthew 5:14 MSG)
Candidates Sunday is an important day in the territorial calendar. It is a day when we’re encouraged to put a specific focus on considering God’s calling on our lives and what that calling might mean… what it might look like… where it might take us. Within that broad subject, it is a day when we’re encouraged to think about how The Salvation Army needs officers and territorial envoys, people who are willing to sign up and step out into a new ministry with God. It is an opportunity to encourage and challenge those who are sensing that God is speaking to them about a specific calling he has on their lives.
Explore the content below to find videos to include in your meetings or alternatively use the content as a starting point to provide inspiration for developing your own material.
With grateful thanks to all those who have contributed to this year's Candidates Sunday material.
Other Useful Links

DFL is a weekend retreat at William Booth College to help you discern God's calling.