Black History Month
October is Black History Month, and this year's UK theme is 'Celebrating our Sisters, Saluting our Sisters, and Honouring Matriarchs of Movements', celebrating Black women.
Explore and download the below resources contributed by Intercultural Mission Officer, Major Marjory Parrott.

Black History Month 2023 Teaching Outline
Download this teaching outline call 'Saluting Our Biblical Sisters' written by Major Marjory Parrott. This can be adapted and used for either a sermon or Bible study.

Black History Month 2023 Prayer Ideas
Download and use these creative prayer ideas to encourage people to engage with Black History Month.
Discover more

Celebrating and embracing ethnic and cultural diversity within The Salvation Army.

A collection of posters and flyers translated in a number of languages that can be used in your corps or centre.

An invitation for all Christians to weave racial justice into their everyday lives.

Ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of everything we do.