3 September 2023
Ep 28: Sunday Worship with Lieut-Colonel Drew McCombe
Lieut-Colonel Drew McCombe unpacks Jesus' invitation to come and follow him in Matthew 4:18-22, and listeners are invited to take part in a territorial membership survey.
Music used with permission from SP&S: International Staff Songsters, 'All That I Am'.
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Tune in to Salvationist Radio
This podcast shares highlights from Salvationist Radio's Sunday Worship. Listen to the full worship meeting on Sundays at 11am. The programme is repeated on Sundays at 6pm, Mondays at 12am and Thursdays at 9am (London, UK times).
Discover more

Conversations about belonging and membership in the United Kingdom and Ireland Territory.

Lieut-Colonel Drew McCombe explains why your voice is needed in the territory’s conversation about membership.

Secretary for Mission Lieut-Colonel Drew McCombe tells Salvationist about the territory’s new research into membership.