28 October 2022
The All Terrain Podcast: Episode 32
Ruth Valerio

Host Jo Taylor is joined by Ruth Valerio for this month's hypothetical hike.
Ruth is the Global Advocacy and Influencing Director for Tearfund. She is an environmentalist and theologian, social activist and author and carries a vision to inspire and equip Christians to a whole-life response to poverty, helping build a movement that brings about lasting change on the issues that impact the poorest and most vulnerable.
You can find articles, resources and Ruth’s new children’s book Planet Protector’s: 52 Ways to Look After God’s World at ruthvalerio.net.
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Resources for this episode

Blog: Ep 32
Read this blog to help you go deeper as you reflect on this episode of The All Terrain Podcast.

Sketch notes: Ep 32
Reflect on these sketch notes and gain new perspective as you listen to this episode of The All Terrain Podcast.