30 July 2021

The All Terrain Podcast: Episode 20

Captain. Richard Bradbury

All Terrain Podcast Episode 20

Host Matt White is joined by Captain. Richard Bradbury for this month's hypothetical hike.

Richard is currently the Under Secretary for South Asia at the Salvation Army’s International Headquarters in London. He, along with his wife Heidi and their two children, have recently returned to the UK having previously served The Salvation Army in Bangladesh, Kenya and Zambia.

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Gain a fresh perspective as you listen and view the latest All Terrain podcast


Reflective and thought provoking questions to aid discussion as we listen to the latest All Terrain Podcast. Dig deeper in to the themes and views expressed by our latest guest as we ultimately consider -

How do we face change?
How do we move through suffering?
How do we receive joy?
How do we mature in service?

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