Mission Service
Generous Discipleship
Resources Hub

As disciples of Jesus, we need to understand the importance of generous and sacrificial living, so that we become more Christ-like and enable local mission to flourish.
The Generous Discipleship Team offer a variety of Bible studies, resources and support to corps and centres across the territory.
Our aim is to help everyone connected to local expressions of the Army understand what God is asking of each of us as we generously give of our time, skills, abilities and money to support mission.
Connect with us
- Email: generous.disciples@salvationarmy.org.uk
- Tel: 020 7367 4935

Generous Discipleship Booklet
Answers to common questions about why and how your local setting could explore Generous Discipleship.

Introduction to Generous Discipleship
A PowerPoint presentation for corps, centres and divisions to use to introduce people to Generous Discipleship.
Discover more

Lyn Woods talks to Generous Discipleship Team Leader Denise Wilkinson about what Christian giving means today.

Six Bible studies based on Psalm 100:1-5 which help explore the theme of Generous Discipleship.