Mission Service


Community Services

Members of Enabled holding a sign that reads 'team work'
Enabled exists to provide spiritual and social fellowship for people with a disability and their carers. 

We seek to cultivate an inclusive attitude and approach for people with a disability.

Membership is open to anyone with a disability and their carers, regardless of age.

Enabled members do not have to be members of The Salvation Army.

Each member receives a newsletter, which is called OUR Newsletter. We aim to produce OUR Newsletter four times a year. 

OUR Newsletter contains information about members, Enabled activities and a spiritual message. Enabled members also submit articles to be included in the newsletter.

OUR Newsletter is available in three formats:

  • Print, including large print
  • Audio
  • Email

Tell us which format you prefer.

Download the Enabled information leaflet below for more information.

Join Enabled

Download the application form below to join Enabled.

Please send completed application forms to enabled@salvationarmy.org.uk

Connect with us



A leaflet about Enabled.

Application form

Download and complete this application form to join Enabled.

Join our Facebook group

A space for members to share news, make prayer requests, offer advice and support each other.

Visit Facebook

Discover more

Enabled Summer School of Arts

A week of fellowship and friendship for people who have a disability.

Music and creative arts
Mar 2025

Music Man Project Taster Day

A fun-filled day of singing, playing instruments, dancing and sign language with the award-winning Music Man Project.

Music and creative arts | Workshop
Oct 2022

Music and Creative Arts

Inspiring others to realise the potential that music and creative arts can have in expressing who we are and who God is.

Music and creative arts

Family Ministries

Support, training and resources to inspire families and individuals to flourish and develop in their faith journey.

Family ministries

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