Great Big Green Week



Great Big Green Week is a great opportunity to live out our mission priority to care for creation. 

By taking part you will help to play your part in caring for our world and tackle climate change, as well as show others in your community that The Salvation Army care about these issues too. 

There are loads of things big and small you can do as a corps, small group or team. Here are just a few ideas:

Ways to get involved

  • Clothes swaps are a great way to circulate clothes and accessories with other members of your community, and a fun and sustainable way to refresh your wardrobe at the same time! You could even connect with your local Salvation Army charity shop to host a joint event.
  • Share food in all forms. Swap cooking skills, plant-based recipes and tips for limiting waste. Tell stories about why you care about climate change over a shared meal.
  • Litter pick with neighbours and finish with a drink, cake and chat. Check how to dispose of different types of waste with your local council.
  • Create a community planting space to grow vegetables and wildlife-friendly plants. You could transform an unloved piece of land into a wildlife habitat.
  • Host a plastic-free picnic to raise awareness of reusable items and the benefits of limiting plastic waste.
  • Plan a climate themed quiz for friends and family, either in person or online.
  • Organise a repair café where people can swap skills and bring old items that need fixing – from darning socks and using old clothes to make something new, to mending household items and furniture. Add in some tea and cake and you’ve got yourself a community repair café! Take a look at this recently opened Salvation Army repair café in Swansea for some inspiration.

Tell us what you’re planning to do for Great Big Green Week

Email the Environmental Office

Discover more

Supporting the territory to care for creation and tread softly on our common home.

Resources to help you care for creation.

Resources to help corps and centres observe Environment Sunday in early June.

The Salvation Army's International Positional Statement on Caring for the Environment.

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