12 February 2025

Wildflower seeds: Your opportunity to sow a brighter future

A graphic showing the front and back of a pack of wildflower seeds.

Rewild a piece of land at your corps or in your garden with these free packets of wildflower seeds.

Scientists estimate that the UK has lost almost half its biodiversity since the Industrial Revolution, as a result of human and land development. The country has been ranked in the bottom 10 per cent in the world in terms of biodiversity loss.1

Each of us can take urgent, practical steps to care for creation and help improve the situation. One easy step could be rewilding a piece of land at your corps or in your own garden, enabling God's creation to flourish. 

Corps, centres and individuals across the territory can order free packets of bee-and-butterfly-friendly wildflower seeds. Whether your corps, centre or home has a garden or outdoor space for containers, simply sow the seeds and leave the flowers to grow.

When ordering, you can also choose to share your postcode (not your full address) to help the UKI Territory's Environmental Office draw a map of where the seeds have been sown - this colourful mosaic of caring for creation will be shared at a future date.

Packets are available on a first-come-first-served basis. To place your order, complete this form. A minimum of 10 packets can be ordered, so people are encouraged to share them with corps members, friends, family and neighbours. 

For more information, please contact environment@salvationarmy.org.uk.

1 Robin McKie (10 October 2021), 'Nearly half of Britain’s biodiversity has gone since industrial revolution', guardian.com – accessed 2 April 2024.

Wildflower mosaic map

We would like to create an online mosaic of colour, using Google maps, to show in which areas the flowers are being sown.

Take part in the wildflower mosaic

Discover more

Supporting the territory to care for creation and tread softly on our common home.

Divisional Environmental Champion Kathryn Barwise celebrates that we can look at and learn from God’s creation.

Resources to help you care for creation.

The Salvation Army's International Positional Statement on Caring for the Environment.

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