Creation Cries Out Service for Nature

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A photo of the church

An ecumenical church service before the Restore Nature Now march, with space to pray and reflect on the climate crisis.

  • Saturday 22 June, 11am–12pm
  • Farm Street Church (Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception), 114 Mount Street, London W1K 3AH
  • Booking is required via Eventbrite due to limited capacity at the church.

The Salvation Army is partnering with A Rocha, Christian Climate Action, Green Christian, Joint Public Issues Team and Operation Noah to organise a time of reflection, liturgy and prayer before the 12pm march. 

This creative, all-age gathering will demonstrate a united call to restore our natural world. On the march, there will be speeches from activists and conservationists, as well as entertainers and performance artists, all highlighting the beauty of UK wildlife and the need to protect it.

Discover more

Cadet Amy Bayliss-Fox shares why she’s taking part in the No Faith in Fossil Fuels Vigil for Climate Justice.

The UKI Territory has set bold targets to tackle its impact on the environment and reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040.

Supporting the territory to care for creation and tread softly on our common home.

Resources to help you care for creation.