Anti-Slavery Student Advocates: Information Session



A photo of a university student giving a presentation in a university lecture theatre

Come along to this informal Zoom session to find out more about an exciting new volunteering programme for 18-25 year olds.

Hosted by:

Dates and times

  • Friday 9 December, 2pm
  • Tuesday 13 December, 7pm

What are student advocates?

Student advocates are volunteers who discuss modern slavery and human trafficking in schools, colleges, youth groups and Christian unions at universities.

They will respond to speaking requests and use their knowledge and resources provided by the Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Unit to implement a grassroots movement. This in turn will raise the profile of the Army’s work supporting people who have been exploited.

At the moment we are recruiting advocates from everywhere, not just university students, but specifically people aged between 18 and 25 who are willing to be trained up, respond to speaking requests and generate their own opportunities for discussing the issues around modern slavery and human trafficking.

Register to find out more

To receive the Zoom details, contact Jo via

Turning a desire for justice into positive action

Read George Tanton's interview with Jo Taylor about the student advocates programme.


Discover more

As the annual report on the Army’s modern slavery response is released, Salvationists are encouraged to take a stand.

Ivan Radford explores the current challenges facing the Army’s Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Unit.

Emily Bright finds out how mentors are helping modern slavery survivors to thrive.

The Salvation Army's International Positional Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.