A call to prayer

Continued protection needed for survivors of modern slavery





Let's stand together in prayer for victims of modern slavery and also for political leaders as they deliberate the Illegal Migration Bill.

You may be aware that politicians are currently debating new legislation in parliament that, if passed, will have a significant impact on those who are trafficked to the United Kingdom and exploited in slave-like conditions. At this crucial moment we joined with other churches on 12 July to pray for both victims of modern slavery and political leaders as they deliberate – we invite you to join us as we continue to pray.

  • ‘Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!’ (Amos 5:24)
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Join a moment of prayer and light

Light a candle in your home and pray:

God of power and light,

Today we cry out for those trafficked and enslaved.

Come with your justice,

come with your righteousness

and set your children free.

May your compassion and mercy

guide those who govern,

your wisdom and boldness

fill all who seek to lead.

And may we, who love you, be stirred into action

to seek your Kingdom,

on Earth as it is in Heaven.


A photo of someone lighting a pillar candle in a dark room

See how else you can get involved

Visit salvationarmy.org.uk for information about contacting your MP and signing our petition.

Protect survivors rights

Latest press release

A group of survivors of modern slavery who are supported by The Salvation Army and its partners have written to the Prime Minister to outline their fears that the Illegal Migration Bill will have a negative impact on survivors in the future if it passes without change.

Modern Slavery Survivors write to PM

Discover more

Ahead of an ecumenical call to prayer, Major Nick Coke reminds us that we are called to engage with the world.

Major Nick Coke considers how to seek justice in a society longing for reconciliation.

Major Mal Davies considers why it is important to pray for leaders wherever you live.

The Salvation Army's International Positional Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.