19 April 2023
This is the way: What is your creed?

Sam considers the path of The Mandalorian.
The Mandalorian is a series set within the Star Wars universe that centres on one man’s way of life, including being part of the Mandalorian and bounty-hunting communities. The Mandalorian in question, Din Djarin, is part of the ‘guild’ (a bounty hunting business) and lives under the ‘creed’ of the planet Mandalore – Mandalorians are fearsome warriors bound by a way of life.
Throughout the series, which ends its third season today (19 April) on Disney+, we see how Din Djarin seeks to belong and to maintain the rule of life of the Mandalorian community. This is summed up in the phrase they repeatedly say to each other: ‘This is the way.’
In the show’s first season, we see tension appear as Din Djarin must do his job, but he refuses to kill an innocent young alien – called Grogu – as he is instructed. Due to his creed, he is tasked to care for the infant, becoming a father figure to Grogu.
As the seasons continue, we discover more of how the creed of Mandalore impacts Din Djarin’s life. The creed includes a ban on taking off one’s helmet in front of others. When he does – spoiler alert! – he needs to go through a path of redemption before he can be readmitted to the creed. For Mandalorians, living in community, loyalty and solidarity are the way. The community love and look after one another.
In the eighth episode, one character explains that ‘Mandalorian isn’t a race; it’s a creed’. This is especially important as Din Djarin was not born on the planet Mandalore; he was a ‘foundling’, as Grogu now is to him.
Watching the series, you can start to make connections to the Christian faith. Jesus says to Thomas, ‘I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’ (John 14:6). The people in the early Church were known as followers of ‘the Way’. This basically meant that they were followers of Jesus and his teachings.
Alongside this title, they used creeds to identify themselves and unite their community. These include the phrase ‘Jesus is Lord’ (1 Corinthians 12:3; Philippians 2:11). Other early creeds can be found in 1 Timothy 3:16. These developed over time to form what is now known as the Apostle’s Creed.
As a junior soldier, the Junior Soldier’s Promise and the teachings of Jesus help me to follow the Way. Like Din Djarin, I know that I must make decisions in my life and that there will be tension between what I am being asked to do, and what my faith guides me to do.
For Mandalorians, their creed makes them stand out and be different. Din Djarin’s commitment to the way leads him to care for Grogu. Following the way of Jesus helps me to be different too. In Philippians 1:27, Paul tells the Church to live lives ‘worthy of the gospel of Christ’.
In one episode of The Mandalorian, it is said that ‘as we shape the Mandalorian steel, we shape ourselves’. With God’s help, I can be shaped into a disciple of Jesus – this is the way!
- Sam is a junior soldier, young leader and member of the junior corps council. He is also a huge Star Wars fan!
Reflect and respond
- What conflicts arise in our lives due to our faith?
- How does being part of a faith community help you to stick to following the way of Jesus?
Written by

Bognor Regis
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