13 July 2024
Together 2024: A message from the Territorial Leaders
Commissioners Jenine and Paul Main

Commissioners Jenine and Paul Main invite us to share God’s story where we are.
This weekend we welcome Salvationists from across the territory to Wales for Together 2024!
It is a real joy for us to hold this territorial event in Newport in the year the Army celebrates its 150th anniversary of work and ministry in Wales. There have already been some significant events marking this milestone and we are sure that Together 2024 will add to the kaleidoscope of celebrations acknowledging the faithfulness of God and his Salvation people.
The theme for this anniversary year is Dyma Gariad, which translates as ‘Here Is Love’. It is an opportunity to focus on God’s story, our story, your story. Together 2024 is a perfect opportunity to explore that theme together and we invite anyone who is not able to be with us in person to join us in worship, in celebration, in prayer, in fellowship and in response to God’s Holy Spirit.
There are lots of ways in which you can join with us. In addition to this week's issue of Salvationist, which includes a Bible study of the weekend’s key verse, Micah 6:8, there are prayer points and children’s activities available on the Together at Home webpage. There will also be a livestream of Sunday morning’s Commissioning of the Defenders of Justice and Sunday afternoon’s sending out of the new lieutenants.
We particularly pray for the cadets of the Defenders of Justice session as they are ordained and commissioned as Salvation Army officers. We make history with this being the first ordination and commissioning to take place in Wales. As we witness and enter into these sacred moments, may we each take time to consider God’s story in our lives.
We are grateful to the planning team and to everyone involved in the extensive preparations and rehearsals for Together 2024. We are grateful to everyone who has come to Newport for the event. And we are grateful to everyone across the territory joining us in spirit.
Wherever you are, may this weekend be inspirational and transformational, so that we are all ready to live out the story God has entrusted to us in our homes, communities, corps and centres.
Every blessing.
Written by

Commissioners Jenine and Paul Main
Territorial Leaders
Discover more

Stephanie Lamplough talks to Salvationist about a new musical chronicling the Army’s early days in Wales.

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