10 May 2024

Survey: Help us make your website experience better!

A photo of a computer displaying the Salvationist webpage

Share your feedback to help improve the Salvationist website (surveys close on Sunday 2 June).

Salvationist.org.uk is the go-to digital space for everyone linked with The Salvation Army in the UK and Ireland Territory. We want to better understand what you need and want from the site and would be grateful if you could share your thoughts. This is an opportunity to tell us why you visit the website, what content you enjoy, and what you’d like to see more of. 

There are two short surveys to complete:

  1. Tell us about your website experience
  2. Share feedback on the site navigation

Once you've taken the surveys, please share the links with friends and family, as well as with corps members via announcements, screens and newsletters (see publicity resources below). The more feedback we have the better, as this will help inform website developments and improve your experience.

The surveys will close on Sunday 2 June.

Publicity resources


Encourage people to complete the online survey by sharing this poster in newsletters, on screens and on social media.


Encourage people to complete the online survey by sharing this poster in newsletters, on screens and on social media.

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