25 March 2024
Structure Co-ordination and Design Group publishes final report
The document marks three years of prayerful discernment about how the territory can enable local mission to flourish.
The Structure Co-ordination and Design Project Completion Report is the culmination of the SCDG’s work to help the United Kingdom and Ireland Territory achieve greater local mission flourishing by co-ordinating and designing appropriate oversight and support from headquarters.
The SCDG was appointed in January 2021 to meet three outcomes: transformation, integration and streamlining. This closing report builds on an earlier report published in September 2022 – it records what the SCDG set out to do, what it did, what it didn’t achieve and what still has to be done to achieve the desired outcomes.
The report is a reference document for anyone who wants to understand the project journey. It also includes a handover plan to be monitored by the Territorial Operations Board during 2024 that will ensure The Salvation Army in the UK and Ireland Territory continues to learn, improve and develop in all it does.
The Salvation Army Trustee Company (SATCo) board of directors has received and accepted the report.
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