Hayley Still introduces a fundraising challenge to support the Army’s work constructing school toilets around the world.
The focus for the 2023 Helping-Hand Appeal is clean water. Two billion people across the globe do not have access to adequate sanitation. The Salvation Army around the world is working alongside communities to overcome water scarcity and improve sanitation and hygiene.
Toilets save lives. Without a safe place to use the loo, people are vulnerable to disease and even violence. When schools don't provide private toilets, girls like Mary are more likely to skip school, damaging their education and limiting their potential.
Spend a Penny, Give a Pound
The Salvation Army is constructing school toilets as part of its clean water and sanitation projects around the world.
Spend a Penny, Give a Pound is a way for you to support this work. Over the course of one day – or longer if you choose – donate £1 for each time you use the loo!
What does ‘spend a penny’ mean?
‘Spend a penny’ is a British phrase that simply means ‘use the toilet’. It refers to the former use of coin-operated locks on public toilets, which – you've guessed it – would cost 1p. Nowadays, public toilets are often free, although in some places there is still a fee to pee!
While the term ‘spend a penny’ is old-fashioned, the need it represents remains. Everyone needs to use the toilet, but not everyone has access to clean, safe and private facilities. By taking part in the Spend a Penny, Give a Pound fundraising challenge, you can support projects that will ensure more people can stay safe and healthy.
Spend a penny poster
Why not display the Spend a Penny, Give a Pound poster on the back of toilet doors in your corps or centre? It includes a QR code so that people can donate on the go!
Colouring sheet
You can engage children in the challenge by encouraging them to complete the Toilet Tally colouring sheet. They can colour in a toilet for each time they use the loo to help keep track of their visits – at the end of the day, you can donate online!
Written by

Hayley Still
UK Engagement Co-ordinator, International Development
Discover more

Hayley Still shines a spotlight on the difference safe and clean water make – the focus of this year's Helping-Hand Appeal.