1 March 2023
Self-Denial 2023: Where your money goes
Lynette Kakande and Eli Clifton
Lynette Kakande (Gateshead) and Eli Clifton (Maidstone) sum up this year’s Self-Denial Appeal.
This year's Self-Denial Appeal runs from 5 February to 5 March with a focus on children and young people and how The Salvation Army is supporting, enabling, caring for and being changed by children and young people around the world.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve heard from three young people in different parts of The Salvation Army world. We’ve heard from Joyce in Pakistan, Dmitry in Moldova, and Josfridah in Kenya. We’ve heard about some of the challenges they are facing and how The Salvation Army is supporting them.
Joyce is part of The Salvation Army in Lahore, Pakistan’s second largest city. The Salvation Army is working hard to support its young people, providing a nurturing environment where young people can thrive. It can be hard for young people to reach their dreams, but if you face discrimination because of your faith and because of your gender it makes it more difficult.
‘Sometimes I feel fed up, frustrated, but you need to live,’ says Joyce. ‘My hopes for the future are less discrimination, more focus on education and health, and more progress for the next generation.’
We heard from Dmitry. He's one of millions of people who fled Ukraine to escape the bombing. We heard about the tragic death of his family. The Salvation Army have been looking after him and his grandad in Moldova and he’s started attending the local corps.
We heard from Josfridah in Kenya. She was born with spina bifida, a condition that affects her mobility. She’s faced bullying and discrimination for much of her life but Salvation Army staff at Joytown school have supported her and she has a new confidence for the future.
‘I want to tell the other kids, maybe in Pakistan, Arabia or America, people who are facing challenges, it's OK not to be OK in this world,’ says Josfridah. ‘We are not perfect. Look for brighter days. I was bullied because I was different. In every story there must be sunshine. We should be grateful for every moment, every second, no matter what.’

The theme this year is children and youth, but that doesn’t mean this year's money will go exclusively to youth projects. Your Self-Denial money will support the global mission of The Salvation Army. It funds the background things, like church infrastructure. All the essential things that enable Salvation Army officers, staff and volunteers to do what they are good at and that includes their amazing work supporting children and young people.
The Self-Denial Appeal is all about enabling The Salvation Army’s mission around the world and the inspiring young people we’ve talked to are part of that story. The Salvation Army is doing some incredible work to enable and support children and young people. And they're playing their part in making The Salvation Army what it is today as well as shaping it for the future.
A lot of this work is only possible because of the money that’s given through Self-Denial. So much more needs to be done and your Self-Denial money will make a world of difference. Year after year so many of you have given so much. Thank you for what you have given in the past and what you are giving this year. And remember our Self-Denial Appeal is international. While each of us here reflect prayerfully on what we can give, we know that throughout the year our sisters and brothers the world over are doing the same.
There are quite a few ways to give to Self-Denial. You can use the envelope, or this year's collection box. You can visit salvationist.org.uk/selfdenial – or, if you have a standing order set up already, you can make a payment that way. Speak with your corps treasurer.
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