11 January 2025
SA Worship Conference 2024: Called to worship
Dan Elson

Dan Elson reports on the second annual SA Worship Conference.
There was a sense of anticipation as the 2024 SA Worship Conference began. Anticipation of time with friends from around the territory, anticipation of great music and teaching and, most of all, anticipation that God would move powerfully throughout the weekend. And that’s certainly what we saw over a packed programme of seminars, workshops, rehearsals and worship.
The conference was established in 2023 to equip, empower and inspire Salvationists engaged in contemporary worship. This year, 56 delegates from across the United Kingdom and Ireland Territory and beyond came together to develop musically, technically and spiritually.
The house worship team – Anais Spencer (New Addington), Dan Bate (Preston), Sam Ellison (Sale), Calum Montgomery (Sale), Assistant Director of Music and Creative Arts (Contemporary Music/Song) Nik King (THQ) and me – kicked things off with a time of sung worship. New practical resources were introduced, before Assistant Secretary for Mission Major Kerry Coke (THQ) began the weekend’s teaching with a focus on making our worship the foundation of our lives.
In the second session, Captain Callum McKenna (William Booth College) brought thoughts on developing a worship diet based on the content of the psalms, with delegates engaging and sharing ideas through digital interaction.
Delegates then split into areas of technical development, with members of the house worship team leading sessions on vocal, keyboard, drums, guitar and bass guitar, and John-Marc Swansbury, the owner of audiovisual company Avenue Services, leading a session on working with technicians. The skills discussed were brought into an open rehearsal with the house worship team, where delegates asked questions and dug into the practical elements of bringing musicians together.
The day finished with sung worship, which was recorded and will be available as part of the Abide Worship series at youtube.com/@PlexusSA.
Sunday began with teaching from special guest Les Moir. Years of experience in the Christian contemporary music industry and a heart as a true follower of Jesus informed his message about what can happen when we worship God. This quickly moved into a compelling response time led by Captain Xander Coleman (Woking).
Special guest Philippa Hanna joined Les for an open conversation about her role as a worship leader and recording artist. This session developed into another powerful time of prayer and the laying on of hands for songwriters and new songs to inspire the Movement as so many have before. The conference finished, fittingly, with a Spirit-filled worship session led by Philippa and her band that encouraged freedom in worship, with further opportunities to respond and pray together.
Throughout this exciting and uplifting weekend, there was a real sense that God was speaking to people about their calling and their relationship with him. Delegates returned to their local settings with newly developed skills, a renewed fire in their hearts and a song on their lips. It’s our prayer that the impact of these two God-filled days will be felt around the territory and that those who lead us before the throne of God in sung worship will be empowered and inspired in their service.
- SA Worship Conference will return this year. Look out for information online or by emailing music@salvationarmy.org.uk.
Written by

Dan Elson
Outreach Mission Partner, Music and Creative Arts
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