19 September 2023
Motherwell: Growth through outreach
Bobby Roberts
Community Mission Development Worker Bobby Roberts explains how the corps is moving from survival to revival.
The Harvest offering enables Salvationists to support local mission through the Mission Innovation Fund. Motherwell used it to fund a weekly after-school club for 10 to 14-year-olds. This activity is slowly building and gives an opportunity to interact with the young people.
Embracing evolution
The corps celebrated its 125th anniversary in February, which was led by previous corps officer Major Ian Emery (North West and Isle of Man DHQ). The once thriving corps had become a fellowship of mainly older people and had slowed down when the Covid-19 pandemic struck.
Majors James and June Rorie have stepped up to lead the corps in recent years and they still play a very active part. DHQ responded to Major June’s request for extra support with corps community work and she was encouraged by their support when they appointed Bobby Roberts (Bellshill) as community mission development worker in September 2022.
Major June says: ‘It’s a very exciting time for the corps with Bobby coming on board. Seeing it open up, people hearing what we’re about, who we are, what we stand for and what we can do to help them.’
Bobby says: ‘I walked in here before I started the role and was made so welcome. It’s been the same ever since, everyone’s been so supportive and accepting. This corps has a great foundation, it’s focused on God foremost, there’s a real warmth and we are bringing God to the community.’
Activities for all
A programme of community activities is emerging.
A new group has started holding regular family fun days aimed at single parent families, an offshoot from the parenting charity Best Beginnings.
Corps members expressed a desire for a walking group, which is open to everyone, and this is under way as an excellent opportunity to combine mission and wellbeing.
The college in Motherwell contacted Bobby with a view to their beauty therapy students providing pamper sessions for unpaid carers at the hall. They set up a mini salon, offering hairdressing, massage and manicures. A light lunch is provided for the carers. This initiative is going very well and is greatly appreciated.
Persistence in prayer
We need more prayer for continued revitalisation of the corps. Our vision is to see the corps grow through the mission outreach. We are praying for the leadership team as they support the ongoing mission. As footfall in our building increases, we also pray that a team of volunteers will come forward to help with our programme. We are so blessed to be actively engaging with the community and believe that God will take us from a place of survival to revival in his name.
Discover more

Resources and ideas for your Harvest offering. This year's theme focuses on giving thanks to God at Harvest and giving back through our financial offering.

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