21 April 2023
London Marathon: 'I want to raise money for what we're doing'

Major Kathy Betteridge explains why she is running her ninth marathon for modern slavery survivors.
Director of Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Major Kathy Betteridge and a colleague from the department will be running the London Marathon this weekend, raising funds to make a difference for survivors of modern slavery.
Kathy’s prime motivation for putting on her running shoes is to take a stand against injustice. ‘I see a life damaged, used and abused and it is not acceptable,’ she explains. ‘Hearing people’s stories and seeing how it has affected them creates emotions in me and I must do something about it.’
Kathy previously worked in Scotland and her role included working as a prison chaplain. The role she now has ranges from meeting clients and staff members at safe houses to speaking at events, including attending parliamentary events to meet MPs.
The Salvation Army provides specialist support to protect and care for all adult survivors of modern slavery in England and Wales through a government contract that was first awarded in 2011 and extended in 2021. But the department’s work is more than just providing a contracted service. It has developed a strategy that includes interaction and engagement with corps and centres across the territory and around the world.
To this end, Kathy and her team ensure The Salvation Army is involved in supporting survivors of modern slavery to rebuild and progress their lives.
Kathy highlights: ‘In one part of the country, a corps nearby to a safe house offers chaplaincy support, organises activities and helps with gardening and maintaining the outdoor area. Survivors go to the corps and take part in volunteering opportunities. They have a good relationship.’
In London a music group is giving survivors the confidence they need. Kathy says: ‘One woman was frightened to leave where she lived, and her support worker accompanied her to the group. She was anxious at first, but a year later she is a different person. She has gained confidence through participating.’
Kathy points out that it is part of The Salvation Army’s history to support the vulnerable and adds: ‘Slavery is still happening, just in a different form. The Salvation Army has values and our Christian faith threads through our work.’
To help Kathy keep focused and energised, she loves to run: ‘Running helps me keep fit and keeps me mentally agile. I love it and this year I am running in the London Marathon for our department. I want to raise money for what we’re doing.’
Kathy is hoping that supporters will donate generously at justgiving.com/integrated-mission.
Inspired to run in 2023?
Enter the ballot
The ballot for the 2024 London Marathon opens at the end of April. If you are selected, you can choose to fundraise for the Army.
Apply for a charity place
Alternatively, you can apply to run with the Army and secure a charity place. Every year the Army purchases places from the London Marathon to give to runners. Runners fill out an application and pledge to raise their fundraising target, which helps the Army’s social work.
For more information, or if you have a ballot place and want to fundraise for the Army, email london.marathon@salvationarmy.org.uk.
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Our vision is to bring an end to slavery, fight for social justice and respond with compassionate care.

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Laura-Jane Kingscott shares how running has helped her recover from a difficult season and meet new people.