28 March 2024
International Appointments Bulletin: 28 Mar 2024
Commissioner Edward Hill
Chief of the Staff Commissioner Edward Hill shares the latest appointments bulletin from International Headquarters.
It is my privilege to share with you information regarding international appointments and promotions proposed by the International Appointments Board and agreed by the General.
Effective 1 March 2024
Colonel Lani Chamness, an officer of the USA Western Territory, serving as Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries, Canada and Bermuda Territory, is appointed as Territorial Secretary for Spiritual Life Development, Canada and Bermuda Territory.
Effective 1 July 2024
Lieut-Colonels Jean and Elianise Clenat, officers of the Caribbean Territory, currently serving respectively as Territorial Commander and Territorial President of Women’s Ministries, Rwanda and Burundi Territory, are appointed as the Territorial Leaders of the Congo Brazzaville Territory; Lieut-Colonel Jean Clenat as Territorial Commander and Lieut-Colonel Elianise Clenat as Territorial President of Women’s Ministries. They will take up their new appointment responsibilities with the rank of colonel. They will succeed Colonels Eugene and Brigitte Bamanabio, who will retire from active service on 30 June 2024.
Majors Emmanuel and Dancille Ndagijimana, officers of the Rwanda and Burundi Territory, currently serving respectively as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries, in that territory, are appointed as Territorial Leaders of the Rwanda and Burundi Territory; Major Emmanuel Ndagijimana as Territorial Commander and Major Dancille Ndagijimana as Territorial President of Women’s Ministries. They will take up their new appointment responsibilities with the rank of lieutenant colonel.
Lieut-Cononels Christian and Christiana Azubuike, officers of the Nigeria Territory are appointed as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries, Rwanda and Burundi Territory.
Effective 1 August 2024
Lieut-Colonels Emmanuel and Edeline Supre, officers of the Caribbean Territory, currently serving respectively as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries in that territory, are appointed as the Territorial Leaders of the Caribbean Territory; Lieut-Colonel Emmanuel Supre as Territorial Commander and Lieut-Colonel Edeline Supre as Territorial President of Women’s Ministries. They will take up their new appointment responsibilities with the rank of commissioner; Lieut-Colonel Edeline Supre on 1 August 2024 and Lieut-Colonel Emmanuel Supre on 2 August 2024. They will succeed Commissioners Devon and Verona Haughton, who will retire from active service on 22 July 2024.
Lieut-Colonels Edward and Jennifer Lyons, officers of the Caribbean Territory, currently serving respectively as the Secretary for Business Administration/Territorial Property Secretary and Secretary for Programme in that territory, are appointed as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries, Caribbean Territory. They will take up their new appointment responsibilities with the rank of colonel.
I know you will also join me in praying God's richest blessing upon our comrades as they prepare to assume their new appointment responsibilities.

Commissioner Edward Hill
Chief of the Staff
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