20 February 2023
International Appointments Bulletin: 20 Feb 2023
Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham
Chief of the Staff Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham shares the latest appointments bulletin from International Headquarters.
It is my privilege to share with you information regarding international appointments and promotions proposed by the International Appointments Board and agreed by the General.
Effective 1 May 2023
Lieut-Colonels John William and Ratna Sundari Polimetla, officers of the India Central Territory, currently serving respectively as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries, India Western Territory, are appointed as Territorial Commander and Territorial President of Women’s Ministries, India South Western Territory. They will take up their new appointment responsibilities with the rank of colonel.
They will succeed Colonels Gabriel and Indumati Christian, who will be retiring from active service.
I know you will also join me in praying God's richest blessing upon our comrades as they prepare to assume their new appointment responsibilities.
Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham
Chief of the Staff
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