4 November 2022
An inspiring and uplifting debut
Lieutenant Gill McCredie

Lieutenant Gill McCredie (Norton) reviews More Than Conquerors by Una Voce.
UNA Voce’s debut album, More Than Conquerors, is a choral worship album that brings together musical excellence and authentic worship of Jesus Christ.
Leader Karl Westwood formed the group in 2018, bringing together young Salvationist musicians from around the UK. They do not meet simply to rehearse or perform, but also to study Scripture, worship with one another and share their love of God with the people they meet.
The opening tracks – ‘Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing’ and ‘Holy, Holy Holy’ – set the tone for the rest of the album, declaring who God is. Every track is about bold faith and trust in Jesus Christ, echoed in the words of the title track: ‘We are more than conquerors through him who loved us’ (Romans 8:37).
The pinnacle of the album, for me, is three central tracks: ‘We Believe’ proclaims that we should ‘let our faith be more than anthems’; ‘Be Still My Soul’ insists ‘I will trust, though 10,000 may fall by my side’; and ‘Purple’ reminds us that ‘when we praise, God will do the impossible’. These songs declare strong and courageous faith, exemplified in the final track, ‘We Are Not Ashamed’.
This is first and foremost a worship album, which happens to be brought to us by a choir. Perhaps because I have seen the group live, I feel like I can hear every musician worshipping as they sing and play. It’s not about the notes on the page being spot-on – even though they are, for the most part – but praising God through the music.
If you want to be inspired, uplifted and encouraged, worshipping God as you listen, I highly recommend this fantastic example of choral worship.
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Inspiring others to realise the potential that music and creative arts can have in expressing who we are and who God is.