23 September 2024

Everlasting Light: Advent and Christmas 2024

Everlasting Light logo featuring a star design and the words 'Advent and Christmas 2024'

Salvationist introduces the theme of Advent and Christmas for 2024.

In a simple stable two millennia ago, the Light of the world came to those who walked in darkness. Although there are many ways today in which the world is still in darkness, we can look forward to the fact that the Light will return. 

We can trust that God’s light and love are always with us. And we can share God’s Light with the people around us. This Advent season, we want to remember that the Light has come, that the Light will come, that the Light is everlasting.

The Christmas story radiates with light. John 1 reminds us that Jesus ‘was with God in the beginning’ (v1), that the Light of the world always has been and always will be there. We have confidence in the knowledge that ‘the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it’ (v5).

Even amid sorrow, loneliness and scarcity, God’s light transforms people’s lives with hope.

In Isaiah 9, it is prophesied that ‘the people walking in darkness have seen a great light’ (v2). In Luke 2, we read how an angel appeared to shepherds and ‘a bright light from God shone all around them’ (v9). Jesus himself tells us: ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’ (John 8:12).

Today, we are called to walk and live in that light, to invite others into its warmth and be comforted by God’s unconditional love. As a Movement, we will be sharing the light of life with people in need this Christmas, not only through meetings and carol services but also through food banks, toy appeals, community meals and more. Inspired by the birth of Jesus, which brought hope to people who were marginalised and exploited, we will be shining a light on injustice and working to bring peace.

But before we step into Christmas, Advent is a season of preparation for us to reflect on God’s Everlasting Light. To acknowledge its enduring presence in times of darkness and to pray that it will brighten every part of our lives. As members of this Light-filled Movement, how can we reflect the Everlasting Light of Jesus to the world around us?

To support you in your times of worship and outreach this Advent and Christmas, there will be a range of Everlasting Light-themed resources, including a video, four separate teaching starters for the four Sundays of Advent, prayer and worship ideas, and a short thought that can be adapted and used in a carol concert or other community events. 

There will also be PowerPoint templates, social media graphics, logos and more. These will all be added to our Advent Resources page over the coming weeks and months.

The front covers of War Cry and Kids Alive for Christmas 2024 featuring the words Everlasting Light

The 30 November issues of Kids Alive! and War Cry will both be undated Christmas editions to help you with outreach during December. The deadline for ordering additional copies is Friday 15 November. To add copies to your usual weekly order, or to order copies for the first time, email subscriptions@satcol.org or call 01933 445 445.

On the first Sunday in Advent, there will also be an Everlasting Light-themed issue of Salvationist to journey with you into the season – and consider how we can carry the Everlasting Light with us, not only in December, but also throughout the year.

Discover more

Worship resources to help congregations explore the theme of Everlasting Light this Advent.

All the resources you need to Be a Star and promote a local Christmas Present Appeal.

All the fundraising resources you need to Be a Star this Christmas.

Resources to help you Be a Star and run a Christmas celebration meal in your community.