27 June 2022
A captivating 'must-read' biography
Review by Commissioner Keith Banks

Commissioner Keith Banks reviews Wings of Faith by Dawn Volz.
Anyone who, at the age of 95, is prepared to undertake a skydive to raise funds for The Salvation Army must not only have cast-iron nerves but an abundance of confidence and courage. Harry Read was one such man.
Dawn Volz, who worked for many years in the Australia Southern Territory’s Editorial Department, tells the remarkable story of this widely respected and much-loved Salvation Army officer. His lifetime of service and achievements in two armies were honoured with admittance to the Order of the Founder, The Salvation Army’s highest award, and the Chevalier award by order of the Légion d’Honneur, the highest French order of merit.
You could be forgiven for thinking that Dawn Volz joined Harry on his skydive because she gives a most insightful overview of his life and service, sharing so much detail about this remarkable man in a captivating ‘must-read’ style.
It is the story of a Yorkshire-born, cricket-loving man, who had a passion – naturally – for Yorkshire puddings, who served his country with distinction, who had an unmistakable call to be a Salvation Army officer, who was blissfully in love with his wife, Win, and who was lovingly committed to his family.
You will read about the tragic heartaches and joys that life brought to him. You will smile at his wit and be in awe of his entrepreneurial genius and the seemingly endless creativity that flowed from his mind and heart. You will be humbled by this spiritual giant of a man and the way his courageous thinking and bold leadership strategies in all his appointments – from corps officer to divisional commander and British Commissioner – influenced the shape of Army ministry and enhanced its impact. It is no wonder that, as the book points out, he so very nearly became the General.
Harry Read gave thousands of poems to the world, each one born out of his life in Christ. A selection of these is included in the book, as are stories that bear witness to his skills as a preacher, leader, poet and pastor.
Harry Read was an outstanding communicator, a compelling innovator, an inspired motivator and a friend to many. He is quoted in the book as saying, ‘Salvationism is an engine-room kind of word,’ a statement clearly revealing the man and his convictions. When you have read this book, you will conclude that he was a major component of that engine!
- Wings of Faith is available from amazon.co.uk priced £9.99 (paperback), £14.99 (hardback) or £5.99 as a Kindle ebook.
Review by

Commissioner Keith Banks
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